TARGETED: Flying foxes can now be shot by farmers. Source: The Courier-Mail
QUEENSLAND will re-introduce the shooting of flying foxes today - ironically on Threatened Species Day.
Two of the species to be shot - grey headed and spectacled - are listed as vulnerable by the Federal Government.
State Environment Minister Andrew Powell will allow farmers to shoot flying foxes despite the Government's Animal Welfare Advisory Committee finding it is inhumane.
Outright kills are difficult and young left at camps by lactating mothers die slow deaths from dehydration.
In an effort to make the process as humane as possible, only farmers can apply for permits, they must use 12-gauge shotguns with heavy shot and only on stationary animals rather than those in flight.
An annual quota of 10,580 will be set for four species. The kill will be 4000 little reds, 3500 blacks, 1280 grey headed and 1800 spectacled flying foxes. Blacks and reds are common.
Mr Powell said the numbers to be shot would be about the same as when shooting was last allowed four years ago and he was confident culling could be done humanely.
Farmers could obtain a permit to shoot only if they had proved non-lethal methods had failed. Quotas would be set for individual orchards and farmers would identify species.
"Farmers are aware of which species are in their area and the department will keep an eye on this," Mr Powell said.
Conservationist Carol Booth said the decision was in marked contrast to government regulations in June to reduce cruelty towards turtles and dugong during some indigenous hunts.
Dr Booth said growers could protect crops more effectively with nets, which could cost as little as $8000 per hectare.
Stanthorpe nectarine grower Ian Mungall said netting cost about $60,000 a hectare and was not viable unless subsidised by the Government.
Growers did not want to shoot native animals but saw it as an economic necessity.
Qld govt to let farmers shoot flying foxes
SHOOTING native flying foxes will cost Queensland farmers much more than using nets to protect their crops, conservationists say.
Queensland Environment Minister Andrew Powell announced on Friday growers will be allowed to shoot the bats as an absolute last resort.
"This is not 'open season' on flying foxes," Mr Powell said in a statement.
Permits will be issued to farmers who have tried unsuccessfully to use non-lethal methods like netting, to keep them away.
Mr Powell said the government had set limited culling quotas for each of the four mainland species to ensure their long-term survival.
The Australasian Bat Society (ABS) condemned the move.
"It is worrying that native species can be considered as pests and subjected to inhumane methods for control," president Dr Kyle Armstrong said in a statement.
"The ABS does not support the shooting of flying foxes in any situation."
Dr Booth, a biologist from the Don't Shoot the Bats Campaign, says flying foxes are nocturnal feeders and most shootings are likely to occur at night.
"You can't patrol an entire orchard all night with a shotgun, it's just not feasible," Dr Booth told AAP.
She said proper netting, with tiny holes, was a much more humane and far cheaper solution.