Don't Shoot Bats - The Grey Cross Campaign - October 2012
Wildlife Queensland encourages our supporters and other like-minded people to participate in this important campaign.
Originally this campaign was focussed on animal cruelty and welfare issues. With the Queensland Government reintroducing lethal damage permits for flying foxes and New South Wales continuing the practice until July 2014, it is timely that new life was breathed into the campaign.
The Queensland Animal Welfare Advisory Committee advised that shooting flying foxes with shotguns was inhumane in 2008. Yet the Queensland Government has seen fit to ignore such advice and amend regulations so that this practice, which belongs to yesterday’s thinking, is activated.
On 3 and 4 November, people across the nation are encouraged to get involved to raise awareness of the cruelty being inflicted on Australian wildlife. The idea is simple: Create a grey cross and display it in a public place.
People are encouraged to do it carefully and lawfully, removing the crosses after they have been photographed and achieved the purpose. The purpose is to highlight the issue – but not litter our landscape.
The Grey Cross campaign wants to send the message that wherever you live, if you have an interest in conservation or animal welfare, you are invited to take part in the Grey Cross event on the weekend of 3 and 4 November. There is already commitment from people in locations from North Qld down to Victoria – Queenslanders should be particularly motivated to participate, in light of recent reintroductions of lethal damage mitigation permits.
More information can be viewed at
Also – mark this in your diary:
On 3 November 2012, a legal protest is scheduled for Queensland Parliament House, Speakers Corner, George Street, Brisbane from 12.00 noon to 2 pm. Relevant permits have been obtained - so don’t hesitate in coming along!
Further information is available on various websites oremail or phone 0425 734008
Flying Foxes Targeted - September 2012
Wildwatch: thoughts about co-existence - September 2012
Environment, welfare groups call for ban on flying-fox killing to remain - March 2012
For more information on Wildlife Queensland's activities, call us on +61 7 3221 0194 or send us an email.
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