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Microbat Presentation

Kathy Davis gave a very interesting presentation on micro bats at a recent ARC meeting.

Here is Kathy's powerpoint presentation.

Further information on microbats
Australian Microbat Presentation

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Microbats Microchiroptera (small hand-wing)

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Yellow-bellied Sheathtail (Saccolaimus flaviventris) Roost in tree hollows, mainly solitary and rarely in rehabilitation Has a very loud, high-pitched audible sound Very large microbat (size of newborn Flying-fox) Wt = 60 g Forearm (FA) = 82 mm

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Eastern horseshoe (Rhinolophus megaphyllus) These bats have characteristic large nose-leaf structure with distinctive horseshoe-shaped lower leaf. Mainly cave dwellers that mainly eat moths, flies, weevils, and beetles. Wt = 11 g FA = 50 mm

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Gould’s wattled bat (Chalinolobus gouldii) Cal. gouldii Chalinolobus have a thick black ‘mane’. The back edge of the ear extends to form a large lobe of skin (wattle) at the corner of the mouth. Gould’s wattled bats roost most commonly in tree hollows, particularly in River red gums. Wt = 16 g FA = 40 mm

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Gould’s long-eared bat (Nyctophilus gouldii) The ears extend when alarmed, ready for flight.

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Rescue and care of microbats: When injured, adult microbats seek refuge on brickwork, in houses, or may fall onto the ground, or on human structures. If a microbat is seen in daylight it will always indicate an injured animal, even if there is no visible wound! Most injuries are caused by domestic cats and may result in an infection (from cat’s saliva), broken bones, or internal rupture.

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What to do if you find an injured microbat: It is safe to carefully pick-up the injured microbat using a hanky to protect both your-self, and the injured microbat. Place the microbat in a shoe-box containing tissues, and possibly something warm, or place in an old pillowslip turned inside out so the seam threads do not become entangled around the microbats tiny feet. Keep the microbat in a quiet, moderately warm area until help arrives. Ring Wildlife ARC immediately (any day, any time) and a carer will come to take the microbat for care. Microbats are taken to a specialist wildlife vet in Sydney as soon as possible.

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Common Microbat Injuries A broken wing is set with up-to-date veterinary procedures. An ‘Elizabethan’ collar is used to prevent the microbat biting the injury (much the same as collars used on pet dogs). Wing tears are not stitched but an appropriate antibiotic is given since an animal must have caused the wing tear.

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Newborn microbats are furless and vulnerable to pneumonia. They must be kept warm and transferred to an appropriate carer as soon as possible. As with baby Flying-foxes, microbat ‘pups’ are wrapped on a ‘mummer’ to simulate being wrapped on their mother. Newborn Microbat Orphans

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Potential survival of orphaned microbat pups Pups should be fully furred within 7 to 10 days, already being weaned If a microbat pup is un-furred it must be treated as un-weaned If pup is furred, but smaller than an adult of that species try it on milk Pups must be kept warm (not hot) at all times ***However, if a pup remains un-furred for more than 5 days, it may have been rejected by its mother due to a congenital problem. The pup may appear healthy; playing, and eating well. Such pups may last more than three weeks, before dying suddenly.

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Food for un-weaned orphan pups (less than 10 days old): (Feed volumes and frequency are approximates) Food source: Use either: Di-Vetelact: adding 1 to 2 drops un-thickened fresh cream for richness, or Wambaroo: adding a little more water for volume (or some other suitable milk) I use a dropper (contains = 1mL) offering 1 to 3 drops at a time (1 drop = 0.05mL). The pup shows ‘when’, and ‘how’ it wants to be fed, usually wanting to ‘play during feeds. 3. Volumes of feed can be estimated from above: with a total of approx 1mL per feed (every 4 to 6 hours).

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Release of juveniles: Learning to catch insects on the wing If the juvenile’s mother is present and is releasable then the juvenile quickly learns from her to catch insects on the wing Orphans may learn to catch insects on the wing, on their own, since there is a high innate component involved in this behaviour 3. If a captive female gives birth, she may ‘adopt’ other juveniles during flying lessons for her own pups

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Flying lesson: Stage 1: Circular flight path Mother leads and continues flying whilst juveniles stop for rests before resuming

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Flying lesson: Stage 2: ‘Figure of 8’ flight-path 1. Juveniles able to fly for longer periods. 2. Juveniles and mother take turns at lead

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Flying lesson: Stage 3: Random direction around obstacles Mother still shows some control as leader, choosing path through branches

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Soft release Juvenile microbats form loose social groups within a crèche Release programs may involve adult and juvenile social groups Both adults and juveniles should be micro-chipped with tiny chip inserted under ‘tummy’ before release (Dr Teri Bellamy willing to obtain and insert microchips) At release, each bat may be placed in a ‘familiar’ unsealed bag, placed in a typical microbat tank on a table under cover, at release site. Leave tank closed until late at night. Open top, covering loosely with familiar cloth and allow microbats to self-release. Provide food and water support for at least a week. Micro-chipping would provide scientific data regarding survival and migration of released microbats (adults and juveniles) Carers would need to check for a micro-chip upon microbats coming into care


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BatsRule!: Microbat Presentation
Microbat Presentation
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