environment.nsw.gov.au / threatened Species |
Scientific name: Pteropus poliocephalus
Conservation status in NSW: Vulnerable
Commonwealth status: Vulnerable

Gazetted date: 04 May 2001
Profile last updated: 15 Apr 2015
The Grey-headed Flying-fox is the largest Australian bat, with a head and body length of 23 - 29 cm. It has dark grey fur on the body, lighter grey fur on the head and a russet collar encircling the neck. The wing membranes are black and the wingspan can be up to 1 m. It can be distinguished from other flying-foxes by the leg fur, which extends to the ankle.
- Loss of roosting and foraging sites.
- Electrocution on powerlines, entanglement in netting and on barbed-wire.
- Heat stress.
- Conflict with humans.
Recovery strategies
A targeted strategy for managing this species has been developed under the Saving Our Species program; click here for details. For more information on the Saving Our Species program click here
Activities to assist this species
- Protect roost sites, particularly avoid disturbance September through November.
- Identify and protect key foraging areas.
- Manage and enforce licensed shooting.
- Investigate and promote alternative non-lethal crop protection mechanisms.
- Identify powerline blackspots and implement measures to reduce deaths; implement measures to reduce deaths from entanglement in netting and on barbed-wire.
- Increase public awareness/understanding about flying-foxes, and their involvement in flying-fox conservation.
- Monitor the national population's status and distribution.
- Improve knowledge on demographics and population structure to better understand ecological requirements of the species.
Information sources
- Churchill, S. (1998) Australian Bats. New Holland, Sydney.
- Conder, P. (1994) With Wings on their Fingers. Angus and Robertson, Sydney.
- Hall, L. and Richards, G. (2000) Flying Foxes; fruit and blossom bats of Australia. UNSW Press, Sydney.
- NSW Scientific Committee (2001) Grey-headed flying fox - Vulnerable species determination - final. DEC (NSW), Sydney.
- Tidemann, C.R. (1995) Grey-headed Flying-fox Pteropus poliocephalus. Pp. 439-40 in Strahan, R. (ed.) The Mammals of Australia. Reed Books, Sydney.