"helping bats in Washington State"
Bats Northwest, Inc. Lynnwood, WA 98046
Bats Northwest is a not-for-profit organization formed in 1996 by scientists, educators, and interested lay people to help protect Pacific Northwest bat populations through education and research.
Bats Northwest envisions a future where the essential role of bats is understood, where the public recognizes the vital place of bats in our environment and economy, and where all are inspired by bats’ remarkable attributes and invaluable contribution to our natural heritage.
To this end we work to educate the general public about bats, we join with government biologists to research and protect local bat populations, we act as a conduit of information about bats, and we encourage responsible attitudes and actions in human/bat conflicts.
Pacific Northwest Bat Gallery
Each page has the common name, scientific name, a photo and a brief overview of the bat's natural history.
- California Myotis Myotis californicus
- Western Small-footed Myotis Myotis ciliolabrum
- Little Brown Myotis Myotis lucifugus
- Keen's Myotis Myotis keenii
- Western Long-eared Myotis Myotis evotis
- Fringed Myotis Myotis thysanodes
- Big Brown Bat Eptesicus fuscus
- Canyon Bat Parastrellus hesperus
- Silver-haired Bat Lasionycteris noctivagans
- Yuma Myotis Myotis yumanensis
- Long-legged Myotis Myotis volans
- Hoary Bat Lasiurus cinereus
- Spotted Bat Euderma maculatum
- Pallid Bat Antrozous pallidus
- Townsend's Big-eared Bat Corynorhinus townsendii
The following links lead you to an eclectic collection of articles about bats, the natural history of bats and bats here in the Northwest.
- Scientific Classification and Names - Translations
- Bunker Bats
- Census of the UW arboretum
- Meet the Pallid Bat
- Hooray for the Hoary Bat
- Meet the Big Brown Bat
- Howdy, Western Pipistrelle
- Washington's mystery bat - the Spotted Bat.
- Meet the Silver-haired Bat
- Introducing the Western Long-eared Myotis
- Meet the Little Brown Bat
Our quarterly Bats Northwest News is now available here.
- Issue:Spring 2015 (440 KB)
- Summer/Fall 2014 (1 MB)
- Spring 2014 (1.83 MB)
- Winter 2014 (713 KB)
- Spring 2013 (1.21 MB)
- Winter 2013 (3.46 MB)
- Summer 2012 (1.8 MB)
- Winter 2012 (2.52 MB)
- Summer/Fall 2011 (394 KB)
- Spring 2011 (1 MB)
- Winter 2011 (1.1 MB)
- Summer 2010 (710 KB)
- Spring 2010 (604 KB)
- Winter 2009/2010 (618 KB)
- Fall 2009 (236 KB)
- Summer 2009 (570 KB)
- Spring 2009 (976 KB)
- Fall/Winter 2008 (1.34 MB)
- Summer 2008 (383 KB)
- Spring 2008 (535 KB)
- Winter 2007/2008 (826 KB)
- Fall 2007 (1 MB)
- Summer 2007 (430 KB)
- Spring 2007 (1.4 MB)
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