Calling all bat-loving movie buffs! You can help bats by asking your local movie theater to show a bat public service announcement (PSA) before the main film. Batman V Superman Premiere is March 25!
The PSA was made by Warner Bros. Entertainment with the Organization for Bat Conservation & Save the Bats.
My name is __________. I live in ___________ and I love going to the movies at your theater.
I wanted to get in touch with you about the upcoming release of Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice.
Did you know that bats in North America are dying by the millions from a disease called white-nose syndrome? In light of this, Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice cast member Ben Affleck and Amy Adams and director Zack Synder created a Public Service Announcement, which includes footage of them building bat boxes using materials from the movie set.
Not everyone likes bats, but Affleck, Adams and Synder understand that bats are essential to insect control and keep our crops safe from insect damage. A world with out bats would be bad.
With the film release scheduled for March 25, I'm hoping that you'll join theaters across the country in supporting bats by showing theBatman v Superman PSA (run time 4:54) or a white-nose syndrome PSA (run time 0:54) before the movie.
This is a great way to reach out to your community and make a difference in the health of our environment!
Please contact Danielle Todd at the Organization for Bat Conservation at 248-645-3232 x9 or with questions and to receive access to the Batman v Superman PSA. For the white-nose syndrome PSA, contact Catherine Hibbard at 413-531-4276 or
To learn more about white-nose syndrome, visit
Thank you in advance for your support in fighting #whitenosesyndrome!

Link to Warner Bros. Batman v Superman PSA
Link to white-nose syndrome PSA
Organization for Bat Conservation
U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service
sm flipboard done