The innovative project, in which bats have been used for insect plague control and included CIBIO-InBIO researchers Vanessa Mata, Hugo Rebelo and Pedro Beja, has attracted great attention of the national media.
Bats, that have been known for their bad reputation are no longer the bad guys. Actually, these fascinating animals are now the new weapon against insect plagues at Tua’s Valley cultures.
The new project of the Regional Natural Park of Tua’s Valley has placed 100 bat-boxes at farms of five different municipalities, in order to contain the proliferation of crop-munching insects. Since bats are efficient predators of insects, the introduction of these animals might allow farmers to cut back on pesticides and produce more and better crops.
Besides these practical features, this 3 year project, which has just been highlighted by various national media outlets, includes a scientific component encompassing CIBIO-InBIO researchers Pedro Beja, Hugo Rebelo (coordinators of this project) and Vanessa Mata. This scientific component aims to foment research and evaluate the outcomes of this pioneering initiative.
According to Vanessa Mata, “most of the insects that affect these crops are nocturnal, which is a natural characteristic of bats. So, they can efficiently predate the insects and control the plagues. The boxes will offer new shelters for bats and increase the probability of feeding in these areas.”
Even though these are the first steps of this project, all the participants are now expecting that bats approve their new habitat and start to control the population of insects.
To know more about this topic, please follow the links:
“Vale do Tua aposta nos morcegos para combater pragas agrícolas” | TSF | March 14, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Morcegos combatem pragas evitando insecticidas”| SIC Notícias | March 15, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Vale do Tua aposta nos morcegos para combater pragas agrícolas sem insecticidas” | SIC Notícias TV | March 15, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Agricultores do Vale do Tua vão usar morcegos no combate às pragas” | Porto Canal | March 15, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Morcegos vão combater pragas agrícolas sem insecticidas no Vale do Tua” | Agricultura e Mar | March 16, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Há uma nova “arma” contra as pragas de insectos: o morcego” | Rádio Renascença | March 16, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
The new project of the Regional Natural Park of Tua’s Valley has placed 100 bat-boxes at farms of five different municipalities, in order to contain the proliferation of crop-munching insects. Since bats are efficient predators of insects, the introduction of these animals might allow farmers to cut back on pesticides and produce more and better crops.
Besides these practical features, this 3 year project, which has just been highlighted by various national media outlets, includes a scientific component encompassing CIBIO-InBIO researchers Pedro Beja, Hugo Rebelo (coordinators of this project) and Vanessa Mata. This scientific component aims to foment research and evaluate the outcomes of this pioneering initiative.
According to Vanessa Mata, “most of the insects that affect these crops are nocturnal, which is a natural characteristic of bats. So, they can efficiently predate the insects and control the plagues. The boxes will offer new shelters for bats and increase the probability of feeding in these areas.”
Even though these are the first steps of this project, all the participants are now expecting that bats approve their new habitat and start to control the population of insects.
To know more about this topic, please follow the links:
“Vale do Tua aposta nos morcegos para combater pragas agrícolas” | TSF | March 14, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Morcegos combatem pragas evitando insecticidas”| SIC Notícias | March 15, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Vale do Tua aposta nos morcegos para combater pragas agrícolas sem insecticidas” | SIC Notícias TV | March 15, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Agricultores do Vale do Tua vão usar morcegos no combate às pragas” | Porto Canal | March 15, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Morcegos vão combater pragas agrícolas sem insecticidas no Vale do Tua” | Agricultura e Mar | March 16, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)
“Há uma nova “arma” contra as pragas de insectos: o morcego” | Rádio Renascença | March 16, 2017 (Information available in Portuguese)