There is a lot of incorrect negative information about bats, this has led to a crazy law that does not allow bats the same humane protection as all other animals in Australia.
Bats are as important as bees in keeping us all alive, if the bees go then flowers and plants die - so do we, if the bats go, trees die and so do we!! In fact bats are more efficient than bees in pollination as their flying range is greater which leads to a better genetic mix.
1. Bats only carry one virus dangerous to humans and there has only been 3 deaths in 10 years (compared to 10 deaths due to idiots pulling vending machines onto themselves......
2. Bats cannot directly transfer Hendra virus to horses, in fact work with bats has now provided the vaccine.
3. Bats do not "swoop at you", because they are not birds they cannot provide enough force to fly straight upwards, they need to drop to gain lift.
4. We have two types only in Australia - Flying Foxes and Microbats, microbats will eat up to 10,000 insects AN HOUR, how's that for mosquito control.....
So basically there are few negatives but many, many positives
Please get the law changed so these invaluable creatures get a fair go!
Follow the science, not people with personal agendas or ignorance.
Follow the science, not people with personal agendas or ignorance.
Electorate Rockhampton -

Party Australian Labor Party (ALP)
Contact details
Electorate Office Postal Address PO Box 729 ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700
Electorate Office Address Shop 3, 7 Denham Street ROCKHAMPTON QLD 4700
Phone: (07) 4994 2100
Ministerial Office Postal Address GPO Box 46 BRISBANE QLD 4001
Ministerial Office1 William Street BRISBANE QLD 4000
Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Economic Development: 11 Nov 2016
Minister for Agriculture and Fisheries and Minister for Rural Economic Development: 11 Nov 2016