ABC Far North
You’ve heard of the ‘Crazy Cat Lady’ – now meet the ‘Crazy Bat Lady’.
Far North Queensland wildlife carer Rebecca Koller dedicates every waking hour tending to almost 500 spectacled flying fox pups.
The fruit bats came into care following extreme heat events over the summer which wiped out a third of the keystone mammal’s population - a major factor for the species being declared ‘Endangered’ by the federal Environment Minister earlier this year.
Rehab | The Crazy Bat Lady
Help spread the word!
Help us save our Spectacled flying foxes, last season saw a devastating 1154 pups die or come into Care from one colony, our team is working to save these orphans and help the already threatened species.
Update 10 Posted by Rebecca Koller 13/04/2019
It’s been a while since I’ve had the chance to update everyone. 600 pups in our crèche facility and a 4 week old pup only recently found in care with another carer.
150 pups have been successfully released and return regularly for support feeding, they look healthy and strong, occasionally bringing some of their wild friends.
We still have a bit to go yet and with the next 350 pups ready for release in the next few weeks leaving the last 100 who will be some months before they are ready as they were born very late into the season. As a result this season will most likely merge into the next as it did last year.
It’s been a huge amount of work to get this far and no end in sight at the moment
But the deepest heartfelt gratitude to everyone that has supported us through donations and encouraging messages...we quite simply could not have done this without you ❤️