"you can easily trap them with those fine net. Tie the ends of the net, like badminton court net configuration and with two poles two person can move towards the colony or the individual pest and trap them.
You need to remove them but first better to kill"
Swiftlet Farming: Million Dollars A Year Income Potential.: How You Might Be Able To Reduce Those Bats
Edible Birdnest farming can be considered an ideal, most exciting and a very lucrative business. This venture is suitable for those who live in parts of Cambodia, Southern Thailand, Burma, Malaysia, Vietnam, the Philippine and Indonesia. This blog is dedicated to my findings, crazy ideas, encounters...
[just an fyi....] RSPCA Qld Inc. has responed
I would like to pass this website onto you for investigation.Please review the site page below and advise if can be removed and poss take action against this individual.
I have yet to confirm that person is in AU. However, the google blog is an AU domian.
How You Might Be Able To Reduce Those Bats !!!!
I write in relation to the two emails you have sent regarding cruelty to bats (attached).
In regards to your first email concerning the blogspot website about swiftlets – From all information on this website there is no evidence that this is occurring in Australia , it seems it is overseas, predominantly in Asian areas. Therefore, it is outside of RSPCA QLD’s jurisdiction and we would be unable to investigate. Unfortunately, even if it was found to be occurring within Queensland , it is unlikely we would have the authority to suggest the removal of a website. If you do find evidence that this is occurring within Queensland , please inform the Department of Environment and Resource Management (DERM), as there is no evidence of deliberate cruelty, therefore there is little RSPCA Inspectors could do, whereas DERM monitor these practices to ensure they are used appropriately.