In Qld any colony disturbance can be reported 24 hrs/day to DEHP helpline – 1300130372 follow the prompts to crocodile and you will be directed to an on call ranger. I have attached the cruelty complaint form which should also be submitted by the people witnessing the disturbance.
The complaint should also be logged with a call to the RSPCA call centre 1300ANIMAL and they will refer the caller to an inspector or you can email
in SEQ and other parts of Qld it is impossible to go ‘looking for babies’ without huge disturbance and possible long term ramifications for females and their young. DO NOT enter colonies during baby season where vegetation is thick and low.
please, if you hear multiple young distress calls within a colony you must report this to DEHP before going in to investigate.
WildLife Complaint Report pdf
The complaint should also be logged with a call to the RSPCA call centre 1300ANIMAL and they will refer the caller to an inspector or you can email
in SEQ and other parts of Qld it is impossible to go ‘looking for babies’ without huge disturbance and possible long term ramifications for females and their young. DO NOT enter colonies during baby season where vegetation is thick and low.
please, if you hear multiple young distress calls within a colony you must report this to DEHP before going in to investigate.
WildLife Complaint Report pdf