Here are media articles and media releases arising from, or relating to the Don't Shoot Bats Campaign:
- The Courier-Mail: Anger over flying fox control plan March 7
- Media Release (various welfare and conservation NGOs) March 7
- Position Statement March 7
- Brisbane Times: Welfare groups want bat killing ban kept March 7
- The same article appeared in The Australian, The Weekly Times
- ABC Radio interviews of Mt Isa candidates March 9
- LNP nod to shoot bats a return to 'bad old days' Townsville Bulletin March 10
- Wildlife Care Groups Oppose Fling-fox Killing Media release March 14
- Your Say Courier Mail March 17
- QLD Government moves to change bat shooting laws ABC Rural news April 4
- Queensland Cull hopes look shot The Australian April 7
- Flying-fox crusaders slam LNP News Mail April 17
- Bat Culling to be allowed ... Courier Mail May 15
- No Large Scale Cull ABC News May 15 (video report)
- Conservationists seek Qld bats protection Yahoo News June 20
- Queensland farmers allowed to shoot flying foxes Courier Mail Sept 7
- Qld Gov allows farmers to shoot flying foxes Herald Sun Sept 7
- Shooting Bats - ABC Radio (Audio) Sept 7