Articles,51,Audio,23,Backyard,24,Barbed Wire,35,Bat Art,56,Bat Books,94,Bat Box,27,Bat Clothing,16,Bat Issues,642,Bat Stamps,1,Bats,4,Bats for Children,39,Bats for the Home,70,Electrocution,9,Events,39,info on bats,643,Jackie Sparrow,26,Microbats,469,Misc,121,Netting,40,Newsletter,5,Promoting,152,Rehab,92,Rehab 2011,7,Rehab 2012,25,Rehab 2013,15,Rehab 2014,6,Rehab 2015,108,Rehab 2016,136,Rehab 2017,73,Rehab 2018,29,Rehab 2019,2,Release Cage,2,RESCUE,74,Rescue 2011,1,Rescue 2012,7,RESCUE 2013,18,RESCUE 2014,8,RESCUE 2015,25,Rescue 2016,20,RESCUE 2017,16,Rescue 2018,10,Rescue 2019,6,Rob Mies,11,Shooting,2,Vegetation,27,Video,399,Virus,128,WebSites-Bat,45,
This dispersal of Little Red flying-foxes is very short-sighted and unnecessary and it is very sad to see how people treat our native wildlife in such a cruel and inhumane manner. The mother flying-foxes who were not allowed to reach their dependant young baby flying-foxes would have been so very distressed about not being able to reach their babies, who will eventually surely perish. What a negative message that some politicians and authorities, mainstream media interests and uninformed individuals are sending to communities who now believe that any form of creulty against flying-foxes is acceptable! Natural habitat for flying-foxes is being destroyed at an increasing rate and where and how do humans expect our flying-foxes, a keystone species in Australian environment, to go to feel safe and to survive? Little Red flying-foxes traditionally follow the native blossom and are nectar specialists and pollinators of our eucalypt forests, which are being cleared at a tremendous rate.
ReplyDeleteFlying-foxes are placental mammals, as are humans, and flying-foxes deserve to be able to co-exist on this Earth with other species. However, human beings have little or no regard for other species. I never thought that I would be seeing such uncalled for hysteria and cruelty displayed by people against our unique Australian flying-foxes. Shame on those involved in and profiting from this spread of unnecessary fear and cruelty against flying-foxes. It is the height of ignorance and inhumane callousness towards another living creature.
I pity the future generations of Australian citizens who are not being educated to appreciate the beauty of flying-foxes and the significant positive role flying-foxes play in our environment. Our communities will be run by fear and there will be no place for enlightened and educated thinking or tolerance for fellow creatures, it seems. There will also be very little natural environment left to enjoy.
Thank you for the above comment! I wish more people like you would educate the community of Pittsworth. Please spread the good word about bats and flying-foxes.