pic taken the next day
found half a meter or so off the ground hanging in a shrub. she was only about 300m away from home roost. so not sure if she was heading home or heading out.
underweight, hungry and temp low.
no injuries to body. however we think it could've been electrocution by telegraph power lines.
did you know that bats can get electrocuted flying over power lines? they just have to scrape past the lines and they can get a spike. so maybe she was flying in, got too close to the lines and zap. she then fell and ended up in the shrub.
we are not real sure.. other injuries can take 2-3 days to show up.
found half a meter or so off the ground hanging in a shrub. she was only about 300m away from home roost. so not sure if she was heading home or heading out.
underweight, hungry and temp low.
no injuries to body. however we think it could've been electrocution by telegraph power lines.
did you know that bats can get electrocuted flying over power lines? they just have to scrape past the lines and they can get a spike. so maybe she was flying in, got too close to the lines and zap. she then fell and ended up in the shrub.
we are not real sure.. other injuries can take 2-3 days to show up.
thanks to the caller for calling her in.
last night she actually let me groom her and check her body. nothing found.
sm flipboard done