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This publication describes the important role that bats play in our environment and explains what to do if you find yourself sharing living quarters with them. It also discusses the reality behind the most commonly held misconceptions surrounding these beneficial mammals. It includes information on bat-proofing materials and bat box construction plans.
No other mammals in the Northeast are as misunderstood as bats. A variety of myths and misconceptions surround these small, nocturnal, flying mammals. Many people think of bats as vicious animals that carry diseases and get tangled in hair. Others consider them to be friendly, cuddly animals that need only our love and understanding. Both images are somewhat misguided.
This publication will describe the important role that bats play in our environment and will explain what to do if you find yourself sharing living quarters with them. It will also discuss the reality behind the most commonly held misconceptions surrounding these beneficial mammals.
This publication describes the important role that bats play in our environment and explains what to do if you find yourself sharing living quarters with them. It also discusses the reality behind the most commonly held misconceptions surrounding these beneficial mammals. It includes information on bat-proofing materials and bat box construction plans.
No other mammals in the Northeast are as misunderstood as bats. A variety of myths and misconceptions surround these small, nocturnal, flying mammals. Many people think of bats as vicious animals that carry diseases and get tangled in hair. Others consider them to be friendly, cuddly animals that need only our love and understanding. Both images are somewhat misguided.
This publication will describe the important role that bats play in our environment and will explain what to do if you find yourself sharing living quarters with them. It will also discuss the reality behind the most commonly held misconceptions surrounding these beneficial mammals.
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