This video explores the role of bats in northeastern ecosystems and highlights the need for their protection and management. It gives detailed guidelines on dealing with a single bat or a colony of bats in a building, identifying bat entrances, sealing buildings to prevent bat access, and providing alternative roosts-bat boxes-for displaced maternity colonies to occupy. The program is intended for homeowners seeking solutions to a bat problem, county extension agents, pest control operators, and wildlife conservation officers confronted with bat nuisance complaints. (VHS-23:00) To order this video, call 1-800-770-2111; do not contact the Publications Distribution Center.
Title Bat-Free Belfries: A Guide to Bat Proofing
Code L37073VH
Cost $40.00
Title Bat-Free Belfries: A Guide to Bat Proofing
Code L37073VH
Cost $40.00