6" X 6" BAT
DIMENSIONS: 6" x 6". Shown: Gloss Blue
$45.00 per piece
The Bat Tile is a fun one. It is really more of a mouse with wings. My intention was not to associate the bat with vampires or a haunted New Orleans. New Orleans is a haunted city, but that can be another story for another time.
This is my take on the bat as it relates to my Victorian tile line. Bats are mysterious creatures of the night. Victorians were largely superstitious. Victorians loved symbolism. Before the advent of electricity, things that happened at night were largely unknown, and mysterious. Victorians held a fascination for world cultures. In China, bats are considered good luck. Before the advent of commercial ocean liners, places like the Far East were inaccessible. As international travel became more common, the mysteries of the world were less mysterious, but remained no less interesting. One final thought: the Bat tile just might be the perfect addition to your Gothic Revival fireplace project.
Our standard size 6" x 6" decorative tile is available in 7 different patterns. 16 standard colors are available, and custom color solutions are available.
Our standard size 6" x 6" decorative tile is available in 7 different patterns. 16 standard colors are available, and custom color solutions are available.
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