What's Going On?
The July 11, 2018 issue of Smithsonian.com published an article hardly fit for a grocery store tabloid. The story titled, “A Never-Before-Seen-Virus Has Been Detected in Myanmar’s Bats.” https://www.smithsonianmag.com/science-nature/global-surveillance-program-identifies-never-seen-virus-myanmars-bats-180969598/ It implies that a pandemic can be avoided by finding a new virus and goes on to claim that tropical rain forests are "cesspools of viral diversity." The headline and rhetoric are exceptionally damaging coming from America’s leading institution of science education.
Read Merlin's response here. https://www.merlintuttle.org/2018/08/03/smithsonian-promotes-misleading-virus-hunter-claims/
What To Do
Our combined voices can make a difference. Choose any or all means of contact to reach out to the staff at Smithsonian.com and politely share your opinion in your own words. Editors do take notice. Remember, your response can be very simple such as, “I don’t appreciate speculation that creates needless fear of bats.” Editors just need to know you like or dislike an article in order for you to have impact. It’s numbers that count. Bats need all of you!
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Email the author, Katherine J. Wu, via her website contact form. https://www.katherinejwu.com/contact/
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James. BatsRule.info
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