Video | Walters Gang | Megabats and Blossom
"Je suis Walter, a mature, retired Grey-headed flying-fox in my mid twenties. Living a wonderful life in care and helping educate on flying-foxes."
"Walter, Retired Senior Grey-headed Flying-fox
Although I'm in my twilight years, there is still time for me to help others educate people on bats and how vital we are and that we need to be protected.
I spent nearly 20 years as an exhibit animal in a regional Zoo. I suffered injuries to my nails so was unable to hang and required urgent veterinary attention. It took months of care to remedy my nail problem and as my nails never returned to full function I was deemed unsuitable for Zoo life. I was retired to the wildlife rehabilitator’s home, where my specific needs are catered for, both physically and mentally. I live a quiet, happy life and my best friends are Gelert and Teddy. Love Walter xo
These three boys are very old so they spend most of their day lazing on hammocks and occasionally tottering over to food, water or different vantage points. As they are great friends, they generally stay close together, which is normal bat behaviour in the wild. They weren't releasable due to their inability to fly.
However, they have a large enclosure, shared with other bats that would enable flight if they were capable.
A really important thing with captive animals is behavioural enrichment, and allowing them the choice to move to different areas in their enclosure. Each area has different aviary furniture, foliage, hangings, toys, shaded or sunny. A visit to another, familiar aviary is always enjoyable for them."