Riker Creatures
Loveable, hand-crafted, fantasy creatures that capture the imagination by Heidi Riker." Loveable, hand-crafted, fantasy creatures that capture the imagination by Heidi Riker.
To see more of my work and see what’s for sale, visit my website at: rikercreatures.com
first pic. this link to like and share facebook / rikercreatures/photos
" This life-size giant fruit bat took me many months to complete. He is made of synthetic fur, like all of my special creatures. With a wingspan of 5 feet, he is the same size as the magnificent flying fox. Bats are amazing intelligent creatures that need our protection! I create realistic and fantasy creatures (This piece is already sold) "
other pics this link to like and share facebook / rikercreatures/photos
Heidi's obsession with nature began at an early age. With an active imagination, she spent her younger days sketching animals and creatures from her imagination. Now, in her twenties, Heidi has applied every artistic skill and talent she has gathered over the years; turning the figments of her imagination into tangible, touchable art. Every creature represents an amalgamation of her artistic pursuits, including graphic design, sculpture, painting, faux taxidermy, textile work, and biological anatomy.
Each creature is constructed with a skeleton of flexible, fully poseable armeture wire. The body is soft-sculpted using foam and synthetic filling, giving it a realistic, malleable feel. The face is uniquely hand-sculpted, painted and painstakingly covered in fur. When finished, these creatures seem to take on a life of their own; taking to any form you place them in. But above all, there is no limit to what the imagination can bring to life.
Follow the link below to see a recent magazine article interview with the artist!
You can find more details on sales on the artist's blog site.
https://www.pinterest.com.au/jcaust/ bat art