Bat Book | Burton and Isabelle Pipistrelle: Out of the Bat Cave
Titled Burton and Isabelle Pipistrelle: Out of the Bat Cave, is based on that very same attraction that has drawn people to the Royal Ontario Museum the past two decades.Published by ROM Press, it’s the museum’s first children’s book.
Written by Denise Dias, senior writer with the ROM and illustrated by the institute’s senior designer Tara Winterhalt, the book is about the nocturnal adventure of a small pipistrelle bat named Burton and his sister, Isabelle.
“I got the idea when the bat cave reopened in 2010 after being refurbished,’’ said Dias. “It was remodelled after the famous St. Clair (bat) Cave in Jamaica and it’s bigger, scarrier with a lot more interactive special effects.”
She could tell kids love the cave and she knows youngsters are big visitors to the museum so she thought the time was right to give them their own book.
Dias will be looking at other projects for children and says depending on how the first “bat book” sells, it could be made into a series.
The actual story has Burton venturing out of the bat cave, into the museum discovering dinosaur fossils, meteorites and silk gowns.
But before he knows it, he has lost his way and needs to rely on his special superpower — echolation (biological sonar) — to find his way home.
A pipistrelle is a common bat found around the world including Europe, North Africa and Asia.
Dias says the book is entertaining, but also educational.
The back of the book is filled with a page of amazing bat facts that can be used as a reference.
“(The book) is a way of having fun as well as bringing the ROM experience home with you.” she said. “We’re all pretty excited about this.”
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