Queensland, AU
Hi Everyone..
There may be a way in which you can make a contribution to the safety and welfare of our precious bats.
This year, we would like to find 12 individuals or companies who are willing to sponsor a month in the calendar for a sponsorship of $200. For this contribution, they will be allocated a space 40mm deep across the bottom of the page and we will publish any logos, messages or advertisement that they require. In addition, there will be a space allocated on the back page to acknowledge any company or individual who would like to contribute a $50 sponsorship.
If you are working for a company that may be sympathetic to the plight of the bats, would you consider approaching the management and asking them if they would think about being a sponsor?
If you are a member of a large family, perhaps you may consider rounding up your family and asking them all if they would consider a family sponsorship for one month?
If you are a member of a sporting group, a book club etc.. could you ask them if they would like to sponsor a month?
If you work for an un-sympathetic company, and has no social or sporting outlets perhaps you may consider being a $50 sponsor?
This year’s theme will be BABY BATS and will feature beautiful photos of bat babies, both orphans and wild ones, and some will be with their mothers to show the world what wonderful, caring mothers bats are. Each photo will have a short story about the bat in the photograph.
At the moment we will not be asking for payment as we will wait and see if we gain adequate interest from sponsors before we make a decision to proceed with the production of the 2013 calendar.
A huge thank you in advance for any support you can give in finding sponsors as the sponsorship will cover the majority of the costs of the printing of the calendars – therefore any money collected from the sales of the calendars will go directly to the care of the bats.
last years.... 2012
Deletethis event has closed.
thank you to all that responded.
no additional funds required.
sm n flipboard done